Picasa online edit
Picasa online edit


The Picasa desktop app comes in various flavors for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Web Albums have a "Blog This" feature which enables one to easily post a photo stored in Web Albums to a blog posting. That's enough space for about 6 million photos in 5.0 megapixel format.


Up to 1 GB of storage space is provided free of charge if you need more photos online, you can lease up to 6 TB of storage space. Similar to Flickr or Photobucket, Web Albums let you upload photos from your desktop, phone, and other sources to public or private albums. Picasa Web Albums are the online photo-sharing component of the Picasa application.


Geotagging, or associating a photo with a location such as Yellowstone National Park, is supported in the Windows version of Picasa but not on Mac platforms. Much like Google Search, Picasa supports Boolean operators so you can specify search strings such as "Brad but NOT with Sue OR dog." This can help you find exactly the photo you have in mind among hundreds of photos of Brad.

picasa online edit

You can search by keywords in the Picasa search bar, which will search filenames, captions, tags, folder names, and other metadata associated with a photo. Picasa supports a number of online photo printing services as well as standard desktop printing. You can also make slideshows and arrange photos in a timeline display. Picasa's photo editing features include red-eye reduction and color enhancement as well as standard features such as cropping, resizing, adjusting contrast and brightness, etc. Editing tags and other metadata so that photos appear where I want them was rather tedious. Photos end up in unexpected and undesired virtual folders, actually more confusing than the familiar disk folders in which I have them stored. Having experimented with Picasa a couple of hours, I must say this automated grouping does not work very well for me. Picasa even has a facial recognition feature that effectively says, "Oh, look, there's Sis, we'll put this pic in the 'Sis' folder." You can add tags to photos to group them under Picasa, too. The Picasa desktop app features automatic scanning of one's drives for photos and grouping of similarly named photos into virtual folders that is, the photos appear on screen in "folders" labeled "CompanyPicnic" but remain physically right where they are.


Picasa consists of a desktop program that you must download and an optional online storage and display service.


If you're into photography as a hobby, and you're looking for software to help you manage and edit your photos, Picasa is a free tool you should check out. With a simple interface and seamless integration with Picasa, it's a must for all Picasa users.Picasa - Free Photo Editing and Management Software Picasa Web is one of the best photo sharing and storage sites on the web. Finally, you can shares photos via all the major social networking sites including Buzz, Twitter and Blogger. There is a limited amount of photo editing possible in Picasa Web thanks to integration with Picnik. Picasa Web provides both links and embed links to share your albums with via e-mail or blog. You can also add tags and geotags to your albums. For viewing photos, you can elect to view them manually or in a slideshow mode. Once uploaded, you can even choose which photo you'd like to use as the album cover. You can choose from Fast, Normal and Highest Quality uploading depending on your needs and upload space left and choose whether to make the album Public or Private. Uploading is incredibly easy and fast with Picasa Web although video clips can take some times.

picasa online edit

Fortunately, you can pay for storage space upgrades and the pricing is very reasonable. You have a generous free 1GB allowance when you start but you'll soon fill this up. You'll need to sign-up for a Google account to use Picasa Web. An upload symbol appears next to those albums on your desktop that you've uploaded to save duplication. It also works with video clips although for longer clips, you're advised to upload them to YouTube. It's integrated with the Picasa desktop application meaning you can instantly upload and share photos from it using Picasa Web.

Picasa online edit